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Why I joined Red Aspen

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

Shortly after losing a baby in my second trimester, I found myself awake at all hours of the night, scrolling through Instagram, obsessing over all things grief, loss, trying to conceive, and even IVF. I kept getting drawn back to a friend and her posts about losing her husband, and her entire journey. A few days later she posted on Instagram that she had joined Red Aspen in order to help with costs for her next IVF treatment. I have never joined a side hustle business before, but this felt right to me…and I LOVED the products.

I knew our medical bills will be high (even with insurance) after losing the baby. I also have a big photography project coming up this year, hello coffee table book! Instead of borrowing money to pay bills and fund projects, I decided to sell self-care products like nail dashes, lashes, & more keep my business juices running.

MY TEAM In April I decided to start my own team to help others with their Red Aspen business. It was only fitting that I named our team Rural Red Aspen! You can find us on social media. When you join the Rural Red Aspen team you will receive a whole community of support. Plus- unique graphics and a vault of resources!

I will continue to share my honest experience with Red Aspen in order to educate and also connect with others. I’m fairly new at this right now, but will continue to update my blog with tips, and information about being involved with the business.

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